Need to lose weight or maintain your weight loss?  Here’s how to stay within a daily calorie level on The Pescetarian Plan.  And, of course, you can also try the calorie controlled meals starting on page 285 of the book.  There are lots and lots of great meals, many based on recipes from the book.


How Much To Eat?

Number of Servings at Your Daily Calorie Level

Type of Food                        1,500                   1,800                   2,100                   2,500

Fruit                                                2                      2                      3                      4

Vegetables                              4 or more          5 or more          6 or more          7 or more

Grains/starchy vegetables           5                      5                      6                      7

Milk/yogurt/soy milk                    2                      2                      2                      2

High protein                                    6                      7                      7                      8

Healthy fat

(include at least                             7 (3)                  8 (3)                  10 (4)                13 (6)

this many nut/seed servings*)

Treat/alcohol calories                100**                150                   200                   225

Water †                                              6                      6                      6                      6

* The number in the parentheses indicates the number of servings that should consist of nuts. If you’re allergic to nuts but not to seeds, then eat seeds instead. If you’re allergic to all nuts and seeds, then skip them and eat the other healthy fats listed in chapter 5.

** On the 1,500-calorie plan, have a 100-calorie treat every other day.

† You can drink other beverages on this plan in the “Smart Sips” section in chapter 5.


What Does a Serving Look Like?

Here’s a rough guide. You’ll find serving sizes for more foods and specifics information on those serving sizes, such as how many fatty fish servings to eat per week, in chapter 5. I included treats on this chart just to remind you that you do get them! But because portion sizes vary so much, you must track calories for just this one food group.

Type of Food                        A serving looks like . . .

Fruit (60 calories) ½ cup fruit or berries; 1 small fruit (kiwi); 2

tablespoons dried fruit (raisins)


Vegetables (25 calories) ½ cup chopped raw or cooked; 1 cup salad greens
Grains/starchy vegetables (80 calories) ½ cup cooked grains, sweet potatoes, potatoes or ¾ cup cooked or frozen corn. Cereals vary, so check labels and figure out how many cups equal 80 calories. ⅓ cup cooked or canned legumes (black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc.); 3 tablespoons flour; 2 tablespoons uncooked grains (like quinoa and steel-cut oats)


Milk/yogurt/soy milk (100 calories) 1 cup nonfat or 1-percent milk or calcium and vitamin-D-enriched soy milk; ¾ cup plain nonfat or low-fat yogurt
High protein (55 cal) 1 ounce fatty fish; 2 ounces whitefish; 1½ ounces shrimp or other shellfish (without shell), ⅓ cup tofu or edamame, ½ cup egg white, ½ ounce regular cheese; ¾ ounce reduced fat cheese


Healthy fat (45 calories) 1 teaspoon olive, canola, or other liquid vegetable oil; 1/5 Hass avocado (3 tablespoons)

Nuts and seeds: 1 tablespoon (1/3 ounce), almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts or any other nut of your choice or seeds, such as chia, pumpkin, sunflower or ground flaxseeds; ½ tablespoon peanut butter or other nut or seed butter

Water 1 cup
Treats (calories vary according to your daily calorie level) Portion sizes vary; see page 312 of The Pescetarian Plan